Yes, I've Been Where You Are

Exhausted, stressed, hormones all over the place,
creeping weight-gain...
...and...I made all the mistakes so you don't have to!

Everything I've learnt, trialed and tested, on myself and the 1000's of women I've treated in my two decades of clinical practice.

I've poured it all into this incredible program, so you can reap the rewards without the guesswork.

My intention is to empower you in all areas of your life, your health, mind and body. To step up and to help you fall head over heels back in love with your favorite version of you.

Exhausted to Unstoppable

You don't have to do it alone. Let's do this.

  • Do you feel exhausted?
  • Do you want to get rid of fatigue?
  • Are you tired of experiencing belly bloating?
  • Are you frustrated with gradual weight gain?
  • Are you sick of dealing with brain fog?
  • Are you tired of waking up exhausted and feeling completely overwhelmed?
  • Are you no longer able to recognize yourself in the mirror?
  • Are you fed up with being irritable and grouchy?

About Our Programs

Exhausted to Unstoppable Signature Program

Ready to stop feeling exhausted?




Release old traumas and negative patterns to find freedom and happiness, NLP, Timeline and Hypnosis

Energy and Glow Cleanse

"When a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, you don't ditch the flower.

lets get rid of those toxins, and bloom!

"I went to see Indra who healed me through every step of my journey.  I now have more energy.

Thank you Indra!"


"I no longer get stuck dwelling in past negative memories or in self-loathing.  I have greater acceptance and compassion for myself and then also for others."

Michael L (Breakthrough session)


Recipe Book PDF

43 pages of delicious, whole food recipes.

Why am I so Tired Quiz?

Tired all the time?  Answer a few questions and we'll help you figure out why you're experiencing fatigue and how to fix it!
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